Our New Home… Just In Time For Christmas
I am writing this post from my new home. We moved here only a few days ago, just in time for Christmas. Perhaps not surprisingly Brian and I had underestimated how hard it was going to be, this whole process of downsizing house malarkey. Thinking about not only the logistics and practicalities that took many months of planning, the financial implications but also and perhaps the hardest challenge was the emotional rollercoaster of closing a life chapter. It was harder than we thought to let go of the memories that we had associated with our home.
For Brian perhaps even harder than for me, since the house had once belonged to his parents and there were still many lingering memories of their lives there, in particular of Brian’s father who has passed away a few years ago. Brian’s mother now lives in Scotland, and interestingly when I invited her to come over for one last visit to her former home she turned down my invitation. Wisely she told me on the phone “It is not the house, but the people that matter the most and as long as we are together it does not matter where we live“. Very wise words indeed.
We sold and/or gave away most of our stuff and even after a major downsizing we realized we needed to downsize some more…we still had too much stuff. Nothing can prepare you for how stressful and exhausting the move is going to be. Once our house was on the market we had to ensure that the house and garden were clean and presentable at all times…no easy task when we were both still working our full-time jobs. Particularly when Autumn arrived and with it, a season of falling leaves that nearly drove us to despair…blowing leaves out of the drive became Brian’s second full-time job. Selling our house took a lot longer than we had expected which just added to the stress and worry. It is true that however long you think the whole process is going to take you can be certain that it will be a lot longer than you had expected.
On the day of the house sale completion, we went back to the house for one last goodbye and I took some photos of the empty rooms. Stripped of all our belongings suddenly the house did not feel like a home any longer, without furniture the empty rooms looked huge and soulless. One of our lasts tasks in the old home was to write a note to the new owners to inform them about things such as when to feed the pond fish, also explaining about my beloved Araucaria tree from Brazil, plus all the different house keys and codes for the alarm etc.

Our former home now just soulless empty rooms
As we drove out of the front house drive for the last time we sat inside our car in silence for one last look at our family home. There was sadness for both of us, but our sadness did not last long as we drove towards our new home we felt reassured that we had made the right decision for us. A house is just bricks and mortar, we take all the memories with us and we are now looking forward to starting building some new memories in our new home.
The process of unpacking, building furniture, connecting phones, wifi, satellite TV etc has been exhausting but we are getting there and our house is now starting to feel like a proper home. We love it and we already feel that it is perfect for us. We are only a very short walk through pleasant and well-kept gardens to the town centre with all the amenities such as a wide variety of restaurants, shops, cinema, theatre, gym, coffee shops, supermarket etc. We can also walk to the beach and there are many beautiful coastal walks within very easy access.
The house is a lot smaller than our previous home, but that is precisely what we wanted. We still have enough bedrooms for our two children ( now adults with their own homes) and a spare bedroom with a comfortable sofabed doubling up as a study room. The kitchen/dining room/sitting room is all open plan, with three bathrooms and a small garage. We have a very small outside space facing a communal garden. It is a perfect lock-up-and-go type of property, low maintenance and it suits us well for this next stage of our lives. We could not be happier.

Open plan kitchen/dining/sitting area
Retirement Update
It has only been two months since I have taken early retirement from my job as a Dietitian working for the NHS. My office farewell party was organized by my line Manager and other work colleagues who threw a travelling themed party at a local restaurant…..they certainly know me well, I felt totally spoiled.

My office send-off party
I also got invited by one of the GP Practices I have worked closely with for many years to join them for a farewell meal at another local restaurant.

Another farewell party
Another very thoughtful farewell do was at the Community Hospital, where they surprised me with flowers, chocolate, cards, etc. I came away with so many lovely and thoughtful gifts and enough flowers to open my own florist shop. Goodbyes are always emotional and a little bit sad, but I am sure that I will be staying in touch with many of all these wonderful people.
Recently friends and family have been asking me how I am getting on with being a retiree…bored yet? I can report that it has been great, I have not had a minute to get bored…moving house might be to blame for that. Seriously I am loving it, my mornings have been so much more relaxed as I take my time to get ready for the day ahead. Gone are the rushing around the house to have a shower, get dressed, have breakfast, drive to work often in the dark, cold, raining mornings. I no longer get that awful Monday morning feeling anymore.
To ease me back into a life of no commitments I did enrol myself in two very interesting courses which kept me out of mischief for a little while. I have just finished the said two courses which have been running for the past 10 weeks. A WordPress course, which has helped me to better understand how to fix and sort out some of my blog issues, although I did find this course was a bit too technical for me and I did struggle to make sense of it. In any case, I did enjoy the learning environment and also got to meet some like-minded people and make some lovely new friends. I also attended a Photography course, which I absolutely loved and although it was only a beginners class I feel that I have learned a lot and hope that my newly acquired photography skills will help me to improve the blog photos.
Plans for 2018
We are sadly saying “goodbye” to 2017 in few days time and what a year it has been for us.
We started the year spending 3 amazing weeks Down Under visiting our wonderful cousins Yvonne, John, Lexie and Maddy in Perth. Also cousin Carol in Caloundra (near Brisbane) and we could not have been better looked after and totally spoiled by them all. We also visited Hamilton Island, the Whitsundays, the Great Barrier Reef and finished off in gorgeous Sydney. It was an epic trip with great memories to last us a lifetime. I have written four blog posts about our trip.

A Koala hug with Brian and our cousins Yvonne and Carol
We returned from Australia and started the hard and painful process of downsizing, looking for a much smaller property and selling our large family home. We spent the summer working hard towards these goals and I requested early retirement from my job. My last day at work was October 19th just before my Birthday.
In September we decided to leave it all behind for two weeks of fun, sun and delicious food in the stunning Mauritius Island. I am yet to write more about our exploits there, but I did write a post about our hike up Le Morne Brabant which was very hard work but very rewarding.

Mauritius Le Morne Brabant Moutain
I will be welcoming 2018 at the beach in the South of Brazil with my daughter Chloe and my Brazilian family. Sadly Brian and our son James are not able to join us there this time due to work commitments. So it is going to be a mother/daughter trip again.
Brian and I hope to travel a lot in 2018, but we don’t yet have any firm plans, therefore, watch this space as it all will be revealed when we have made some decisions at the beginning of the year.
To all of you who have been following my journey, who have supported me through reading this silly little blog, commenting and offering friendship I am immensely grateful and I want to wish you all plenty of health, loving relationships, success in all your endeavours and safe travels for 2018.
I leave you with a beautiful and peaceful Mauritius sunset and two inspiring quotes for 2018:

As the sun sets in 2017 I wish you all the most wonderful New Year…cheers to 2018!
I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. Quote byJimmy Dean
What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? Quote by Robert H. Shuller
This post took me on an emotional roller coaster. It is so vividly written from the heart that I could picture all the stages of the move but specially all the human emotions you and Brian had to go through to get to the other side and embrace this new phase in your lives. The new place is already looking homely and appealing. Enjoy!
Val, this past few months have been hard work and very emotional. We are now starting to bond with our new home as we unpack our belongings and hang up our pictures on the walls it all starts feeling like a home. I am really enjoying being retired…the freedom it gives is liberating…endless possibilities. Thanks for your ongoing support and friendship 🙂 I wish you a wonderful 2018!
Wow, 2017 has been a huge year for you. Wishing you happy holidays and a smooth transition into 2018.
Peggy, we are having some big lifestyle changes here. The past few months have been hard work, but we are starting to get there. Thank you so much for your good wishes, have a fantastic 2018!
Minha sister amada! Me deixou emocionada, pq tbm tive momentos marcantes naquela antiga casa. Mas agora tenho mais um motivo para visitar vcs em breve. E eu adoro! Mas agora tudo que quero é te ter aqui pertinho de mim para brindarmos juntas a chegada de 2018 e que ele nos traga muitas alegrias e momentos maravilhosos juntas!
Sister querida tivemos mesmo momentos muitos bons naquela casa que jamais vamos esquecer. Contudo creio que voce vai curtir muito me visitar aqui e fazer novas memorias. Mal posso esperar para a nossa chegada de Ano Novo juntas no Brasil. Com certeza 2018 vai ser um ano maravilhoso. Obrigada pelo teu suporte e carinho sempre 🙂
I remember well the stress and tremendous work of downsizing, closing one chapter of our lives and beginning another when we retired in 2012. Retirement has been such an exciting adventure for us and I have no doubt that you will find the same thing as well. I love your new home: ultra-modern and welcoming at the same time. Have a wonderful time in Brazil and wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a 2018 filled with lots of laughter and love! Anita
Anita, it has been a rollercoaster of emotions and very hard work but we are getting there. I am now looking forward to spending some time relaxing in Brazil, it is a shame that Brian can’t join me. It is reassuring to know that you are enjoying your retirement and I hope it will be the same for us, I am looking forward to when Brian retires also so we can really start making some exciting plans. I do hope we will meet up in 2018 🙂
Yes! Here’s to our paths crossing in 2018, either in Portugal or the UK. Sounds like a plan!
Time for the next phase. A grand adventure it’s going to be too. It took me just 3 years to fully decompress after stopping work. It must have been quite the roller coaster of emotions with down sizing. I love what your MIL said. Memories are what counts. Your new house looks so open and airy. I would love it. I hope you guys have a wonderful holiday and l look forward to reading your future travel blogs.
Kemkem, the last few months have been hard work and very emotional. Brian and I are looking forward to having a bit of fun from now onwards. It does take time to decompress, doesn’t it? Retiring and moving house are challenging life events so I am not surprised it has taken you such a long time, particularly for you with moving to another country on top of all. We are starting to bond with our new home, the open plan of the living area is really nice. Do come over and visit Kemkem, the South of England is beautiful:)
Congratulations! What an emotional ride it has been for you and now the new chapter open like a brand new book. We look forward to hearing of your adventures in 2018 and have a lovely time in Brazil. Hopefully another time the whole family can come. We hope Canada might be on a future trip plan and if so please be in touch as you would be welcome to use our extra room as a home base. All the best and again congrats to you both!
Sue, it is lovely to think of this life changes as a “brand new book” and we are so looking forward to starting writing some new chapters. Canada is definitely on the wish list and thanks to you so much for your kind offer, likewise, we have a guest room here also if you come over to England it would be a pleasure to meet you and Dave. Have a fabulous 2018:)
Sheila and I wish you and Brian all the best in your new home and to the next phase in your future. Enjoy your trip. Best wishes from us both to you all.
Uncle James and Auntie Sheila, thank you so much for your good wishes and support. We are looking forward to the next chapter:)
I read your post with thoughts of leaving our home at some point in the future, I know we will both be very sad but your mother in law is right it is the people not the building that matter .
All the best for the new chapter in your lives and let me know if you would like coffee sometime, I’m often at the beach so we could meet there
Amanda H
Amanda, it is very hard to leave a home that has been the setting for so many happy memories. We are now starting to love and bond with our new home and already making nice new memories here. I am sure you will know when is the right time for you both to move on. I am off to Brazil for most of January, would love to meet up when I return. Thanks for your lovely comment 🙂
Woo Hoo! Whoop! Whoop! You did it! Just keep moving forward one day at a time, the hardest part is now behind you and the world awaits!
Patti, Woohoo indeed! We are so relieved to have come this far and soon be able to start enjoying this new lifestyle. New adventures ahead…thank you for your support:)
This post really hit home as it brought back so many memories of when we sold our house in Chicago and downsized. The emotional and physical stress is so very real. Congratulations ~ your new place looks beautiful and now that the hard part is behind you, you can really move forward and start to enjoy. It is all such an interesting time when making such big changes and you did a great job writing a post about it! Wishing you both a wonderful and adventurous 2018, as I am sure it will be for you!
Peta, you can certainly relate to the emotional roller coaster of downsizing…hard work but eventually very rewarding. We are so happy in our new home and now looking forward to some adventures. Thank you for your lovely comment and support 🙂
Sounds like your feet have barely touched the ground, Gilda! Sorry I’ve only just found this post. I read in a comment somewhere that you were in Brazil so I hadn’t checked. 🙂 🙂 Glad the move is complete and you are in love with your new home, and it’s certainly going to be a good year ahead. I presume the WordPress course was online. I should probably look to do a course or 2. I did when I first retired and it’s good to keep the old cogs turning. 🙂 🙂 Wishing you a wonderful 2018!
Jo, I have just returned from Brazil yesterday. I am well behind with everything to do with the blog, some areas I visited in Brazil had poor wifi signal and so I made the most of unplugging from everything and just relaxing..it was great. The WordPress course was a 10 weeks course run by the local University, it was a good course but a little bit too technical for me. I did manage to make some changes to the blog already and it has improved my confidence 🙂 Thank you so much for your good wishes and likewise have a fantastic, adventurous 2018 🙂
Congratulations Gilda and a Happy New Year!
Do you know, I’m sure that I saw this post in December, but perhaps I didn’t get around to writing a response…
Reading your journey is an inspiration to us all. Your passion for life and everything it brings is infectious. I look forward to following your travels and your new life! Hurrah!
Victoria thank you so much for this lovely comment. I have just returned from Brazil…it has been so nice not having to rush back to work. Retirement really is wonderful 🙂
p.s. I can see the improvements that you’ve made on your blog, and very happy that I can now share some of it, with the world!
Very nice!
Hi Victoria, yes I have managed to make some improvements to the blog, particularly since recently doing a WordPress course, which I found very helpful 🙂 thanks for your support 🙂
Your new home looks wonderful. It always takes a bit of adjusting but it will soon feel like you have been ther a log time. Have a fabulous 2018! Sorry this is so late. <3
Darlene, we are loving our new home…it does already feel like we have been here for ages. The location is perfect for us and it is a lock up and go type of place with no garden to worry about. We are very happy:) Have a fabulous 2018 also Darlene 🙂
Looks like you’ve settled nicely into your new home. Your M-I-L sounds like a wise woman. Can’t wait to see where you go in 2018. I retired at the end of October 2017 and haven’t missed work one bit, although I would like to see my former co-workers more often… if I could just find the time! 🙂
Donna, we are loving our new home and often say that we should have done this move years ago. Sounds like we both retired at the same time ( I left on the 19th of October)? Like you I have been keeping very busy and have not yet had a chance to meet up with my work colleagues, but I have now arranged for a catch up with them in early March. My travel plans for 2018 are being finalised…watch this space 🙂
Donna, forgot to say… enjoy your retirement, have a fantastic 2018 🙂